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Moniques goal is introduce the world to a vegan lifestyle & help heal the nation physically, mentally and spiritually.

About Us

The Fine Vegan, Monique is a highly-esteemed plant enthusiast who inspires others to eat real soul food in a veganized way. Since a young girl she have always loved to cook. At a young age, She would get in the kitchen with her grandmother and watch her Annie cook traditional southern soulfood for years. After being diagnosed with chronic asthma since birth, Monique struggled with the day to day activities & missed out on a lot for many years due to her chronic condition. It wasn’t until she met a herbalist in 2020 who told her the foods she was consuming was keeping her sick. After changing her diet as advised for a week, by the 5th day she felt like a new woman. From that day forward, she never went back. She cut meat, diary and as much sugar out of her diet as she could. Monique went cold Turkey and  went strictly plant based. Anything Monique craved “regular” she did her own research to learn how to make it vegan. Monique  started sharing her journey and her food videos  with my friends & family online and they couldn’t believe half of the things she made was vegan.  Since growing her brand she has gone on to host private dining experiences, cater celebrity events, & more! 

Th Fine Vegan Lady is here to help you heal yourself. Not kill yourself.

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Image by Deryn Macey
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